
Views is a UIView subclass and it represents a rectangular Area on the screen.

  • a View can have on superview
  • a View can have many subviews

UIWindow is the very top of the view hierarchy (it even includes the status bar). But normally you never interact with it.

Top View is a property of the Program called:

var view: UIView

Initializing UIView

init(frame: CGRect)  // init of UIView created in code
init(coder: NSCoder) // init of UIView comes out of storyboard

If you need an initializer set them both

func setup() {...}

override init(frame:CGRect) {            // a designated init
    super.init(frame: frame)

required init(coder aDecoder: NsCoder) { // a required init
    super.init(coder: aDecoder)

View's Coordinate System

  • Origin = upper left
  • Units are points (not pixels)
  • One point can have multiple pixels

    var contentSacleFactor: CGFloat // get number of pixels per point
  • Boundaries is where drawings happen

    var bounds: CGRect // a vies internal drawing space's origin and size
  • The UIView location
    var center: CGPoint // center of a UIView in its superview's coordinate system
    var frame : CGRect  // the rect containing a UIview in its superview's coordinate system
  • Bounds vs Frame Coordinate
View B's bounds = ( (0  ,0) , (250,200) )
View B's frame  = ( (140,65), (320,320) )
View B's center = ( 300,225 )
View B's middle = (bounds.midX, bounds.midY) = (100,125)

Creating a View

In Stroyboard

  • Drag UIView into storyboard
  • User Identity Inspector to changes it's class to your sublcass

In Code Assuming this code is in the UIViewController

let labelRect = CGRect(x: 20, y:20 , width: 100, height:50)
let label = UILabel(frame: labelRect) // UILabel is a sublcass of UIView
label.text = "Hello"

View transparency

Layers are defined in th order they are in the subviews list

  • First in the list are the lower layers
  • Later in the list are on Top
  • Transparency is not cheap

Hide a view

A hidden view don't receive touch inputs or events and can draw nothing on screen

var hidden: Bool

Custom View

Used when

  • Draw some custom drawing on screen
  • If touch events need to be handeled differently

To create just create a UIView subclass and override drawRect.

override func drawRect(regionThatNeedsToBeDrawn: CGRect)
  • Never call drawRect, if a View needs to be redraw use:
    setNeedsDisplayinRect(regionThatNeedsToBeDrawn: CGRect)


Drawing Text

Usually UILabel is used to put text on screen

To draw in drawRect use NSAttributedString or NSMutableAttributedString

// Immutable
let text = NSAttributedString("Hello")
let textSize: CGSize = text.size // space used for the string
// Mutable
let mutableText = NSMutableAttributedString("some String")

// Set Attributes
func setAttributes(attributes: Dictionary, range: NSRange)
func addAttributes(attributes: Dictionary, range: NSRange)

NSForegroundColorAttributeName : UIColor
NSStrokeWidthAttributeName: CGFloat
NSFontAttributeNAme : UIFont

Drawing Images

UIImage object

let image: UIImage? = UIImage(named: "foo")
  • Images are added in the project in Images.xcassets file
  • Images can have different resolutions for different devices (all managed by Images.xcassets)

From the file system

let image: UIImage? = UIImage(contentOfFile: aString)
let image: UIImage? = UIImage(data: anNSData) // raw .jpg, .png, .tiff, ...

Drawing image on screen

image.drawAtPoint(aCGPoint)         // upper left of the image put at aCGPoint
image.drawInRect(aCGPoint)          // scales image to fit aCGRect
image.drawAsPAtternInRect(aCGPoint) // tiles the image into aCGRect

Bound change UIViewContentMode

Bound can change if the device is rotated etc.

  • By default there is no redraw
  • Content and images are getting streched
  • Can be changed in the UIView property
    var contentMode: UIViewContentMode
    // Don't scale to view but place it somewhere else
    // Scale view
    .ScaleToFit/.ScaleAspectFill/.ScaleAspectFit // scale to fill is the default
    // Redraw by calling drawRect again
    .Redraw // This is the one you should use


// Create
let path = UIBezierPath()
// Move, add line or arcs to the path
path.moveToPoint(CGPoint(80,50)) // assume screen is 160x250
// Close path to start point
// Set attributes and stroke / fill
UIColor.greenColor().setFill() // method of UIColor
UIColor.redColor().setStroke() // method of UIColor
path.linewidth = 3.0           // property in UIBezierPath

Other shapes

let roundRect = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: aCGRect, cornerRadius: aCGFloat)
let oval = UIBezierPath(ovelInRect: aCGRect)
// ... and others



HitDetection For HitDetection a path must be closed

func containsPoint(CGPoint) -> Bool // tells whether a point is inside a path


// Colors can also b RGB, HSB or even a pattern (using UIImage)
let green = UIColor.greenColor()
// Background Color
var backgroundColor : UIView
// Colors can have alpha (transparency)
let transparentYellow = UIColor.yellowColor().colorwithAlphaComponent(0.5)
// 0.0 = fully transparent 1.0 = fully opaque
// Transparency must be enabled in the UIView
var opaque = false
// Entire UIView transparent
var alpha: CGFloat


class func preferredFontForTextStyle(UIFontTextStyle) -> UIFont


System Font

Not used for user content

class func systemFontOfSize(pointSize: CGFloat) -> UIFont
class func boldsystemFontOfSize(pointSize: CGFloat) -> UIFont

Coordinate System

Data Structures

// CGFloat never user double or float for coordinated
let cfg = CGFloat(aDouble)

// CFPoint = two CFFloats in x and y
var point = CGPointer(x: 37.0, y: 55.2)
point.y -= 30
point.x += 20.0

// CGSize = struct with two CGFloats in width and height
var size = CGSize(width: 100.0, height: 50.0)
size.width  += 42.5
size.height += 75

// CGRect = CGPoint and CGSize
struct CGRect {
    var origin: CGPoint
    var size  : CGSize
let rect = CGRect(origin: aCGPoint, size: aCGSize)
// Other CGRect properties and methods
var minx: CGFloat          // left edge
var midY: CGFloat          // midpoint vertically
intersects(CGRect) -> Bool // does CGRect intersect with otehr one?
intersect(CGRect)          // clip the CGRect to the intersection wit hthe other one
contains(CGPoint) -> Bool  // does CGRect contain the given CGPoint?
//.. and many more

Connection to storyboard

The @keywords are making connection to the storyboard

import UIKit

@IBDesignable // live view in storyBoard
class ViewController: UIView {
    @IBInspectable // Makes the var changable in storyboard (Attribute Inspector)
    var test: Int = 10


The main rules for autolayout

  • Using the dash blue lines
  • Ctrl dragging between View to make relationships
  • Use Pin and Arrange popovers in the lower right corner
  • Reset to Suggested Constraints
  • Document outline, where you can see all defined constraints
  • Size Inspector for read and edit details of the constraint
  • Do as much as possible in storyboard


In some cases autorotation changes the view drastically and things needs be rearranged (e.g. Calculator Buttons).

Size Classes

There two size classes in iOS:

  • Compact
  • Regular
  • Any

See all devices and theirs size classes in either portrait or landscape. Size Classes

MVC can also get their size class.

let mySizeClasse: UIUSerInterfaceSizeClass = self.traitCollection.horizontalSieClass
// will return either .Compact or .Regular or .Unspecified


  • A UIView can get notified when a gestures happens
    • Raw gestures (touch down, moved, up etc.)
    • We can react to predefined "gestures"
  • Gestures are recognized by instance of UIGestureRecognizer
    • Concrete subclasses are used never the base class
    • (recognize) Adding a gesture recognizer to a UIView (ask a UIVew to recognize a gesture)
    • (handle) Providing a method to "handle" that gesture (not necessarily by the UIView)
  • "Recognize" is done by the Controller
  • "Handling" is provided either by the UIView or a Controller

Add a Gesture recognizer (to a View)

// Normal outlet to the UIView we want to recognize the gesture
// The Target gets notified when the gesture is recognized (in this case the Controller itself)
// The action is the method invoked on recognition (the : means it has an argument)
@IBoutlet ewak var pannableView: UIView {
    didSet {
        let recognizer = UIPanGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: "pan:")

Handling a Gesture

  • A handler for a gesture needs gesture-specific information
  • For Example, UIPanGestureRecognizer provides 3 methods
    func translationInView(view: UIView) -> CGPoint // cumulative since start of recognize
    func velocityInView(view: UIView) -> CGPoint    // how fast the finger is moving (points/s)
    func setTranslation(translation: CGPoint, inView: UIView) // allows to reset translation, you end up getting incremental translation
  • The abstract superclass also provides state information
    var state: UIGestureRecognizerState { get }
    // Possible states
    .Possible   // start at possible gesture
    .Recognized // gesture recognized
    .Changed    // gesture changed
    .Ended      // gesture ended
    e.g. Pan Handler
    func pan(gesture: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
      switch gesture.state {
          case .Changed: falltrough // execute code of the next case
          case .Ended:
              let translation = gesture.translationInView(pannableview)
              // update anything that depends on the pan gesture using translation.x and .y
              gesture.setTranslation(CGPointZero, InView: pannableView) // optional
          default: break

Possible Gestures

  • UIPinchGestureRecognizer
    var scale: CGFloat            // not read-only (can reset)
    var velocity: CGFloat { get } // scale factor per second
  • UIRotationGestureRecognizer
    var rotation: CGFloat         // not read-only (can reset); in radians
    var velocity: CGFloat { get } // radians per second
  • UISwipeGestureRecognizer Set up the direction and nbr of fingers, then look for .Recognized

    var direction: UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirection // which swipes you want
    var numberOfTouchesRequired: Int                 // finger count
  • UITapGestureRecognizer Set up the number of taps and fingers you want, then look for .Ended

    var numberOfTapsRequired: Int    // single tap, double tap, etc.
    var numberOfTouchesRequired: Int // finger count

View Controller

Live Cycle

  • Creation: MVC is most often instantiated out of the storyboard
  • Preparing
  • Outlet setting
  • viewDidLoad() is called:
    • Good place for setup code
      override func viewDidLoad() {
        super.viewDidLoad() // always have super the chance in lifecycle methods
        // do some MVC setup
        // update your UI for your Model
        // geometry is not set, don't do geometry related things things 
  • Geometry will be set
  • Appearing viewWillAppear & viewDidAppear & viewWillDisappear & viewDidDisappear

      func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) { // animated is wether your are appearing over time
          // geometry is set
          // some expensive stuff
      func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
          super.viewDidAppear(animated) // all super
          // ...
      override func viewWillDisappear(animated: Bool) {
          super.viewWillDisappear(animated) // call super method
          // do some cleanup
          // not do anything time-consuming or the app will be slow
      func viewDidDisappear(animated: Bool) {
  • Geometry changes
    • If the layout can change these two functions are called. These functions can be called alot.
      func viewWillLayoutSubviews()
      // Autolayout is happening in between
      func viewDidLayoutSubviews()
    • Autolayout is the same as bound change (see above)
      func viewWillTransitionToSize(size: CGSize, withTransitionCoordinator: UIViewControllerTransistionCoordinator)
  • Low Memory Situation

      func didReceiveMemoryWarning() { // happends rarely
          // Anything big in use should be freed by setting the pointers to it to nil
  • awakeFromNib
    • all object that come from out of the storyboard getting this method before it's outlets are set.