Control Flow

if - else

if condition1 == true {
    // do something 
} else if condition2 = true {
    // do something else
} else {
    // do again something else

if - let

switch - case

switch gesture.state {
    case .Ended: fallthrough // case defined and execute code in next case
    case .Changed:           // other case
        // do something
    default: break           // all cases needs to be defined

for - in loop

while loop & repeat - while loop

continue & break & fallthrough


as, as? type casting, is type check


Add a method and properties to a class.

  • Only new ones
  • Extend a close source code
  • Very powerful but many times overused


  • A way to express an API minimally
  • Specifies the properties and methods needed
  • Protocol is a type without implementation (only declaration)
  • Aspects of a protocol
    • The protocol declaration
    • The declaration where a class, struct or enum says that it implements a protocol
    • The actual implementation of the protocol in said class, structor enum


// Everyone implements SomeProtocol need to implement InheritedProtocol 1 & 2
protocol SomeProtocol: Inherited Protocol1, InheritedProtocol2 {        // can be implemented with class, struct or enum
protocol SomeProtocol: class, Inherited Protocol1, InheritedProtocol2 { // only class can implement
    var someProperty: Int {get set} // need to specify if only get or set or both
    func aMethod(arg1: Double, anotherArgument: String) -> SomeType
    mutating func changeIt()        // mutating function need to be declare
    init(arg: Type)


class SomeClass: SuperclassOfSomeClass, SomeProtocol, Another Protocol { // implementation via class
enum SomeClass: SomeProtocol, AnotherProtocol {                          // implementation via struct
extension Something : SomeProtocol {                                     // implementation via an extension
    // implementation of SomeClass here
    // which MUST include all the properties and methods in SomeProtocol & AnotherProtocol
    required init(..) // inits need to be declared required (that subclass is coherent)
    // incase of extension no stored properties allowed


protocol Moveable {
    mutating func moveTo(p: CGPoint)
class Car: Moveable {
    func moveTo(p: CGPoint) {...}
    func changeOil()
struct Shape: Moveable {
    mutating func moveTo(p: CGPoint) {...}
    func draw()

let prius: Car = Car()
let square: Shape = Shape()

// More examples
var thingToMove: Moveable = prius
thingToMove.moveTo(...)  // ok
thingToMove.changeOil()  // Error not in protocol type
thingToMove = square
let thingToMove: [Moveable] = [prius, square]

func slide(slider: Moveable) {
    let positionToSlideTo = ....
func slipAndSlide(x: protocol<Slippery,Moveable>) // needs to implements 2 seperate protocols
slipAndSlide(prius) // Error prius only Moveable not Slippery


Is using protocols. How Views can talking back (blind communication)

  1. Create a delegation protocol (defines what the View wants the Controller to take care of
  2. Create a delegate property in the View whose type is that delegation protocol
  3. Use the delegate property in the View to get/do things it can't own or control
  4. Controller declares that it implements the protocol
  5. Controller sets self as the delegate of the View by setting the property in 2. above
  6. Implement the protocol in the Controller

The View is now hooked up to the Controller and knows nothing. It can remain generic and reusable