A brief summary of the new programming language of Apple called Swift.

Swift Logo
Figure: Swift Logo

There is no guarantee that this reference is complete or correct. If you want to contribute or reporting an issue:

  1. Swift Cheat Sheet by tschinz
    1. License
    2. Changelog
  2. A brief summary of the new programming language of Apple called Swift.
    1. Contributor and References
    2. Thanks
  3. Programming Basics
    2. Types
    3. Operators
  4. Programming Concepts
    1. MVC
    2. Multiple MVC
  5. Properties
    1. Constants and Variables
    2. String
    3. Optional
    4. Closures
    5. Array
    6. Dictionary
    7. Range
  6. Data Structures
    1. enums
    2. struct
    3. class
  7. Methods func
    1. Internal & External Names
    2. override
    3. final
    4. init() Method
    5. Objects
  8. Control Flow
    1. if - else
    2. if - let
    3. switch - case
    4. for - in loop
    5. while loop & repeat - while loop
    6. continue & break & fallthrough
    7. guard
    8. as, as? type casting, is type check
    9. Extension
    10. protocol
  9. Multithreading
    1. Queue
    2. Do something in the future
    3. Other Things
    4. Multithreading iOS API
  10. NS Classes
    1. NSString
    2. NSArray
    3. NSDictionary
    4. NSObject
    5. NSNumber
    6. NSDate
    7. NSData
    8. NSUserDefaults
    1. Initializing UIView
    2. View's Coordinate System
    3. Creating a View
    4. View transparency
    5. Hide a view
    6. Custom View
    7. Drawing
    8. UIColor
    9. UIFont
    10. Coordinate System
    11. Connection to storyboard
    12. Autolayout
    13. Gestures
  12. UI Elements
    1. UILabel
    2. UITextField
    3. UITableView
  13. Other
    1. Assertions
    2. Other Functions
  14. Objective-C
  15. Objective-C Compatibility
    1. Bridging between Swift and Obj-C
    2. Casting
    3. Property List
    4. NSUserDefaults
  16. Algorithms

Contributor and References


Thanks goes to: