Visual Studio

The Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE) is a collection of development tools exposed through a common user interface. Some of the tools are shared with other Visual Studio languages, and some, such as the C# compiler, are unique to Visual C#.


In VisualStudio only solutions can be used. Each project (aka solution) need to have all necessary file to be build and openend in VisualStudio.

A new Project / Solution can be created at File => New => Project

Create Project

Project Type Description Solution image
Blank App (Universal Windows) A project for a single-page Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app that has no predefined controls or layout. Best if you know what you're doing. WPF App Solution
WPF App (.NET Framework) Classic graphical desktop application based on the .NET Framework. Also called Windows Presentation Foundation client application.
Console App (.NET Core) New Console app based on the .NET Core. A project for creating a command-line application that can run on Windows, Linux, MacOS. (Doesn't creates an exe file). Console App Solution

Console App (.NET Framework) | A project for creating a command-line application. This will only work on Windows and will create an exe directly.

  • One Solution can contain many Projects


A WPF App already has a predefined structure WPF App Solution

Type Element Description
Properties AssemblyInfo.cs AssemblyInfo.cs contains information about your assembly, like name, description, version, etc. If you delete it, your assembly will be compiled with no information.
Properties Resources This is a database like structure for storing resources needed in the program. This can be Files, Images, String Values, Text Files.
Properties Settings Application settings allow you to store and retrieve property settings and other information for your application dynamically.
References Contains all necessary namespaces and third party libraries used in the Application. It is better to use NuGet packages found in the Project settings.
App.config is an XML file with many predefined configuration sections available and support for custom configuration sections. A "configuration section" is a snippet of XML with a schema meant to store some type of information.
App.xaml App.xaml also contains a .cs file. This is the main entry point launching the gui.
MainWindow.xaml MainWindow.xaml also contains a .cs file. Each of these files represent a part of the GUI.

In the Project Settings all above elements can be set in one single location

Console App (.NET Core)

Console App Solution

Type Description
Dependencies List of all needed dependencies and third party libraries for the program
Program.cs Main program C# file, one needs to contain the Main method as entry point of the program.

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